An Apple TV Update ?

An Apple TV Update?

No, Apple’s not building a television. (Man, that would be great, though.) It is, however, deep in discussions with major networks and studios about expanding the offerings of its existing set-top box. One such deal it could potentially talk about on Monday is Apple TV as a launch partner for HBO’s standalone subscription service, which will reportedly be called “HBO Now.” According to those same reports, HBO Now will launch in April, and will cost $15 per month—we might hear about it explicitly, or just learn about Apple TV upgrades ready to support these partnerships. That would be exciting news for cord cutters; there’s also something perfectly fitting about Apple snagging the rights for a service that will launch with the new season of Game of Thrones.

The Apple TV hardware itself is due for an upgrade, too. Some are guessing we’ll see a slimmer, more powerful box, and maybe even 4K support. Those updates will come at some point, even if that doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll see them next week. And this might just be wishful thinking on my part, but can Apple please update that hideous text interface already ?