The Rolls-Royce Ghost could well just be one of the most expensive cars in the world today.

The Paint On This Rolls-Royce Contains Dust From 1000 Ground Up, 'Ethically Sourced' Diamonds.

The Rolls-Royce Ghost could well just be one of the most expensive cars in the world today. Not for any other reason but for the diamond dust paint it sports.

According to CNN, the car called Elegance, is covered in paint made from the dust of over a 1000, "ethically sourced" diamonds. 
Someone had enough money to privately commission it and the humility to remain unnamed. The report reads that Rolls-Royce won't admit to the price tag on the paint job but did slide in the fact that 'it's the most expensive paint job they've done.'

The car made its debut at the Geneva Motor Show held ten days back. 
But how easily did the paint come about? Not that easily apparently since the Rolls-Royce's Technical Laboratories invested two months in meticulously studying a diamond's reflection properties and then creating the paint. 

The amount of work that went into creating it is not hard to imagine considering they had to crush diamond dust into the paint while keeping it smooth enough to stick to the car.