Twitter rule changes clamp down on revenge porn

Twitter rule changes clamp down on revenge porn

The new policies arrive as the social network steps up its effort to eliminate bullying behavior directed at users.

Nearly a couple of weeks after social bookmarking website Reddit, which calls itself the “front page of the Internet,” banned unauthorized nude or sexually explicit visual content, Twitter has also updated its rules to prohibit users from posting revenge porn (when jilted ex-lovers publicly post intimate images) or other non-consensual, intimate images or videos.

“You may not post intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject’s consent,” says a new line added to the Private information section of Twitter’s rules for content boundaries. A similar revision was also made to the company’s Abusive behavior policy. Twitter said that user accounts in violation of the new policy would be suspended.
The move also comes just over a month after Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said “we suck at dealing with abuse.”